Monday, May 24, 2010

Evidence that's Convincing - #1

Design in the universe points to an Intelligent Designer. William Paley's famous argument stated that if you find a watch on the ground, you immediately surmise it is not a fluke of nature. Watches, by virtue of their compleity and design, reqire a watchmaker. Nobody picks up a watch on the beach and says, "Praise the cosmos! Just look at the wonderful creation the forces of chance have tossed together". As Cliffe Knechtle says, "If you think the watch needs a designer, just glance from the watch to your hand. It is far more complex, has far more moving parts, displays much more intricate design, and therefore demands a designer that much more." Richard Dawkins, an outspoken athiest, raises the question of who designed the designer. He says, at best, design in the universe only points to a finite designer-not an infinite deity. Even if the existence of a finite designer was all we got from the evidence, this designer must be incredibly intelligent, amazingly powerful, and wonderfully wise to have invented, designed, and somehow produced all of that we see in the universe. Any being of that creative magnitude certainly ought to get our attention, capture our imagination, and would undoubtedly be worth listening to and learning from. If this amazing but finite, designer shows such incredible marks of design himself, then who designed and made him? That designer-behind-the -designer must be even more utterly mind-boggling. And if that designer is limited in any way, we can only imagine, (seriously, we can't even imagine), what the being who made him must be like. If we follow this argument from design, it will eventually draw us back to an infinite designer, who will probably be uncannily similar to the God describe in the Bible.

(From Choosing your Faith, by Mark Mittleberg)

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