Tuesday, February 23, 2010

..The Evidential approach of Socrates, Anthony Flew, and Einstein

Sorry I am a day late on my blog post for this week!

Until very recently, Antony Flew was recognized as the world's leading philosophical atheist. He recently said in an interview," My life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads". Relentlessly pursuing the evidence, Flew let go of this atheistic beliefs at age 81, publicly embracing the view that there is a God-an Intelligent Designer-behind the creation of the universe. When asked if there was something specific that had prompted such a dramatic change in his views, he said, "Einstein felt that there must be intelligence behind the integrated complexity of the physical world. If that is a sound argument, the integrated complexity of the organic world is just inordinately greater-all the creatures are complicated pieces of design. So an argument that is important about the physical world is immeasurably stronger when applied to the biological world". Evidently neither Einstein nor Flew, two of the brightest minds of the past century, had any sense that good science or the 'Evidential' approach was limited to the realm of the natural.

(Mark Mittelberg ,with quotes by Antony Flew)

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