Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just a Thoughts creation

From the definition of the word 'thought' in the dictionary: 'the process of thinking; reflection; power of reasoning; intellect, idea, concept, opinions'. The purpose of this blog is an exchange of ideas. To get you to think outside the box of your experience or natural thought process, or maybe agree with the statements and add your two cents worth. It is primarily a discussion of God and how that relates to the world we live in, or at times just a general thought that struck me as one worth repeating. Some of you may have a relationship with God, and some of you may not. Some of you may have traditional ideas of God, and some of you very unconventional ideas about his existence. I don't claim to have all the answers or even be particularly noteworthy in my opinions, but I read a lot of others who are. Every Monday I will post a thought that made an important statement to me from something I've recently read. If you have a comment, positive or negative, or just in general, you are invited to post it on this site. You are welcome to challenge my ideas and perceptions and offer your own.

This header is longer than my normal posts will be since it is an intro. Most of my weekly posts will be short sentences or paragraphs.

Here is today's Just a Thought:
"One of our goals in life should be to accept as many true thoughts as possible and deny as many lies as possible". JP Moreland

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